i am going to talk about SEO and its important. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is method or bunch of techniques performed by web devlopers or bloggers to achieve better ranking for thier websites or blog. Its method to increase visibility of your website amongs search engines such as google, bing, yahoo etc. For example: A better search engine optimized site are mostly one which get displayed on first few pages of google or bing search results when you search for particular keywords. SEO also helps to increase traffic to your blog. So lets learn more about search engine optimization.
What is SEO ?
As in introduction paragraph i have told you alot about it, SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is practice performed by web devlopers to increase their website rank. By optimizing site it makes easier for search engines like google and bing to index their site and inrcease flow of traffic to their blog. Their are lots of things that come under SEO such as site linking, using rich keywords, post title, post length and more. Below i have included importance of SEO.
Let me try to explain with simple example on image optimization. Suppose you added an image of tree to your blog, search engine will crawl that image but it will not describe what is that image. In order to let search engine know more about that picture we need to add an attribute with appropriate keyword or description of that image. This is just one technique of seo, there are many more such techniques. To know more about image optimization check out article given below.
Importance of SEO
- It helps you in better ranking of your page on search engine.
- It increases flow of traffic to your blog.
- It helps in better indexing by search engines, hence increase in traffic and result in more revenue.
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